Steel City Store #3

This is the photo I took of the space the day our real estate agent showed it to us for the first. So come along with me on the journey to see how it became this.

First, we had to clean it all out and remove the glass office aka "The Human Fish Bowl."I always start with the lighting. Lights are what can make or break the space. I love vintage industrial and I was lucky enough to find this really cool bridge street lights. They were HEAVY and needed to be re-wired, but worth it!Four of them hung and a pair of 1930s general store cabinets installed in the corner.This space also lacked curb appeal, but I wasn't sure what I wanted to do here. So when that happens... Paint it black!

I loved the black, but a plain black brick wall is a prime spot for a mural. PS. In the weeks leading up this, we had so many people bang on the window and yell "what is this store?" So I gave them an answer and the comments did not disappoint. 

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